Monday 28 February 2011

Race for Life- training day 3.

OK so I really didnt want to go to the gym, it was so cold wet and miserable I kept thinking to myself I really dont want to go. But I made myself go! As I need to train properly for this event, and once I was there it was fine, although quite hard work to begin with more so than last time for some reason? Then it got better, although I think the music helped again, it definitely depends on the song!

Another embarrassing thing happened today haha I put my jumper at the top end of the treadmill and somehow it draped onto the running machine and I nearly fell over it. I just managed to pause the machine and didnt fall which is always goood...<<<<< ooh err, thats me on the bike there haha, this article doesnt sound too good though... :(

Ah well never mind eh?

So until wednesday then people :)

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