Thursday 17 February 2011


So lately I have been thinking about how we never really seem to be happy with what we have. It is not till later that we realise how much we should have appreciated that moment. Thats part of the problem really is it not? Because by the time you realise it its too late.

I definitely believe that we are too hard on ourselves as individuals. We treat ourselves as enemies the constant putting down, the pressure we have on ourselves to be thin. It reminds me of a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt 'No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent' It is true really.

I have learnt so much over the past few years both good and bad, and memories that I doubt I will ever forget. I think that everyone goes through their bad phases where they are so scared of change, of failure that they dont follow their dreams in fear that they fall down whilst they are trying. That challenge though is worthwhile because when you finally do accomplish what you set out to do you feel so great for doing it.

I guess what it all comes down to is attitude: if you think your nothing, then thats what you believe yourself to be. So reach for the moon people and even if you miss at least you will land among the stars.

Perhaps we should all stop trying to be someone who everyone wants to be and just be ourselves. Nobody is perfect, we are all beautiful and unique in our own way.
Media does not help I must say.

I think sometimes when something hits us, that we are not expecting we dont know how to deal with it. How that knowledge or reality can change everything. It can turn what was something happy to something sad. I guess it is about attitude again here you can choose to accept and learn from it or you let it consume you.

We all want to be happy, we all deserve to be.
When you feel lost: remember as according to Julian from One Tree Hill that 'happiness is a mood, a condition not a destination its like being tired or hungry its not permanent it comes and goes and thats okay. I feel if people thought about it that way they would find happiness a lot more often'

Believe in yourself people :)

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