Thursday 7 August 2014


Stick me back together with some elmo glue
I'm not falling apart, I'm over you
Don't hold me tight, just let go
I'm not grieving, I'm not lost
I don't care about you

I don't miss the good old days,
Or what once was and used to be
I am happy, happy as can be
What's the matter don't you believe me?

You love me, you love me so you say
What is it exactly that you love so dearly?
Is it my personality or my winning smile?
Is it my money, my treasured posessions
Sorry am I being a little unfair?
Argue back, confront, I dare

Don't get me started on being fair
You talk of compassion, of lighthearted humour
You know nothing, you gossip you rumour
Theres a blackness, that keeps following around
It won't let go, I can't seem to find, dont whisper
Don't speak, or say a sound

I can't shake this feeling,
I see no light, no halo, nothing surrounds
Will the darkness ever disappear
Will there be someone to hold your hand
To see you through to be there
Someone forever, someone to care
Time seems to stand on end
Through the hourglass like quicksand
I'm so tired, I'll be alright
Please just let me sleep
Everything will be alright
Please just believe in me.