Sunday 14 August 2011

Woffle woffle.

I do quite like waffles incidentally, have you ever seen those waffle machines you can get? All different types and sizes, then oozings of golden syrup. Mhmm, okay now I am hungry..

Do you ever think to yourself, oh I am sure I would be much happier if I was thinner, healthier, more sporty, had more money, was more brainy, was less myself then I would be happier?

Well of course you do we all have moments at times when we just feel like we can never feel happy with who we are. I came across this blog called Tiny Buddha and I bought it after reading a couple of articles it was so inspiring, so motivating, inspiring to change. Have left a link below if you wanted to have a look. Another link that I found quite useful where this inspirational person believes that we can all change in 30 days that is how long it takes for us to get rid of an old habit. Have also linked it below.

Nothing like a bit of self improvement to help with mind body and spirit is there? Do you know for as long as I could remember I have never been happy with my weight. Its not even that I was big or anything, weird I know. It is quite depressing going into the shopping centre and finding yourself in the aisle of maternity clothes, or just feeling frumpy overall. Theres something about those mirrors you know, the ones where you change in that just seem to show you in the worst lights possible.

Its a constant battle, though being healthy, not thinking about food all the time and trying to make it less important. I do so love cooking and food and eating good things, rather a creature of comfort I am afraid. I am a Taurus after all.

I think now I weigh more than I have ever done before. It is quite difficult looking at pictures from when you were younger and comparing the difference with now. You start to wonder, how did I ever let myself go? Why did I let myself go?

Watching those Supersize vs Superskinny programmes with the two spectrums of the scales its such a shock because you realise that you don't want to have such health implications: you know the videos they show you from America? Where they struggle to cook and move around, and pictures of what your doing to your body which Dr Christian shows you?

Both are equally unhealthy, whether your on the thinner end of the spectrum or the rather plump large end of the spectrum. You keep making promises to yourself, new year resolutions that oh this time next year everything will be better, you'll be that size 10 you will be happy. The problem is that the next year comes around and your still exactly the same as the year before except slightly plumper and a size up..

So you just sortof accept it because well you don't really have a choice and eventually you get so sick of it you decide to do something about it but then you give up thinking you can't do it. Then consequently all that hard work goes out the window.

However I will never stop trying, I am determined to do it right this time. I think part of the problem is we try to change too much too quickly. Daily exercise, lower amount of fat etc.

I am currently doing Slimmers World, quite a good idea actually as theres no counting of calories or anything and you can eat as much potatoes and pasta as you want BONUS! Although you are only allowed 10 syns a day. I recently purchased a Shape Up Plan from Weight Concern, and its a file with different stages. Am only on stage 1 at the moment where you record everything you eat. Apparently it helps make you more aware of things. Step 2 will be eating more regularly I think and of course exercise!

On my other blog I have been putting up some recipes, none so healthy yet but there will be.

Thank you for reading my woffle.
